Matchtext for multiple words

J. Landman Gay jacque at
Wed Nov 29 20:46:34 EST 2006

John Craig wrote:
> And a script to create the regex from a word list.  My apologies if this 
> stuff turns out useless - but you can get absorbed in this mince...

I passed three random words to your script (list,house,dog) and got this 
regex from it:


My test then goes through a bunch of text files on disk and applies the 
regex to the text of each file like this:

put matchText(tText, tRegex) into tMatch

I don't get any matches though, and my knowledge of regex is too limited 
for me to know if I'm doing something wrong. Does this look right to 
you? I think there should have been at least 2 matching files (that's 
what some of the other scripts produced.)

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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