Is it possible to script the choice of a tab in a tabbed button ?

Eric Chatonet eric.chatonet at
Thu Nov 23 15:17:39 EST 2006

Bonjour André,

You have got right replies yet from John.
But you have to know that a tabbed button is like a menu button.
So you may use: "set the menuHistory of btn <button identifier> to  

About tabbed buttons, The "How to manage tabbed buttons" tutorial  
might help you:
How to manage tabbed buttons with 2 methods: Multiple cards method  
(each tab is a card) and Groups method (show/hide groups based on tab  
And, by script, how to set the tabs names, how to select a tab, how  
to disable or enable a tab, etc.

As you know it :-)  you will access this tutorial through "Tutorials  
Picker" a free plugin that interfaces with the So Smart Software  
website in order to display all available tutorials stacks directly  
from the web.
You will find it by going to
Revolution/Plugins or Tutorials section.

Best Regards from Paris,
Eric Chatonet

Le 23 nov. 06 à 18:24, André.Bisseret a écrit :

> Hi,
> On a card, I have a tabbed button with four groups. One of these  
> groups only (say, group1)  is a field with share text property and   
> background behavior so that  another card could have this share  
> text field on it.
> So, when I open this second card, I must be sure that the tabbed  
> button is set to group1, otherwise this group1 doesnt appear on the  
> second card.
> Is there a way to choose a tab in a tabbed button, from a handler  
> (not manually) ?

----------------------    eric.chatonet at

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