backupcopying in substackmodifyable standalone

J. Landman Gay jacque at
Sat Nov 18 00:25:31 EST 2006

Kresten Bjerg wrote:

> There is not produced a copy of the actual standalone, but a file with
> .rev, which evidently is not a standalone.

Are you running this on OS X? This line:

   put the effective filename of this stack into source

will get the file path to the engine inside the OS X bundle, not the 
filepath to the bundle itself.

Your script is adding the ".rev" extension, but you are trying to copy 
an application which isn't a rev stack. You should leave that off, I think.

The "effective filename" of an OS X standalone stack will be something 
like this:


The path you want to use with revCopyFile is like this:


So you need to parse the file path and remove everything after 
"/Contents". Then you use:

   revCopyFile "/folder/",destinationFolder

On Windows and Unix systems, I think your original script should work 
okay, except I'd still omit the ".rev" extension if you are really 
copying an executable.

> No wonder, as the effective line 6  goes: "revcopy......." Even just
> specifying .app as ending does not help.
> I guess solution should have to do with app.path ?
> Here is the relevant script-part:
>  put the effective filename of this stack into source
>     set itemdelimiter to "/"
>     put last item of source into sourcename
>     set itemdelimiter to ","
>     put the backuppath of this stack into destination
>     revcopyfile source, destination
>     put destination & "/" & sourcename into oldpath
>     put destination & "/" & "Diary" && phenodate &".rev" into newpath
>     rename file oldpath to newpath
>     put the backups of this stack into list
>     if the number of lines of list > 3 then
>         put line 1 of list into deletepath
>         delete line 1 of list
>     end if
>     put return & newpath after list
>     set the backups of this stack to list
>     delete file deletepath
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Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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