Me, me, me [bug ref 3420]

Richard Gaskin ambassador at
Thu Nov 16 10:38:11 EST 2006

Bernard Devlin wrote:
> I decided to look in bugzilla myself, and I found that it was indeed  
> entered as a bug by the ever-gracious Mr. Gaskin on 23.3.06.   Marcus  
> from Runrev accepted that it "is pathological" and should  probably  
> be considerd a bug (and it is indeed still open as a bug).  When I  
> searched back through the archive for March this year, I found there  
> was already a lengthy discussion of this between you, Mark Smith, and  
> Richard.  All three of you agreed it seemed to be a bug, and Richard  
> even told you he put it in bugzilla for you (in fact, he entered 2  
> bug reports for it).
> What then is the point of you bringing up the matter again and asking  
> us to discuss if this behaviour is buggy, when you must know full  
> well that it has already been accepted as a bug?  Not only did you  
> not have to go to the trouble of entering this bug, according to  
> bugzilla you haven't even bothered to vote for it yourself!
> I fail to understand your conception of yourself as someone who wants  
> Runrev to do well.   Your words and actions on this list suggest the  
> opposite to me.
> I wish I had the magnanimty of Richard Gaskin.

You know the old saying that ignorance is bliss?  For myself, the secret 
to whatever magnanimity I might have is simply being absent-minded:  I'd 
long forgotten that I logged that bug. :)

Now that you've refreshed my memory, it does rather feel like a waste of 
time to entertain these sorts of broken-record threads.

Here's the URL to the BZ:

Let's please not spend more time on this bug, okay Dave?  We've done 
everything that can be done, long ago.

And Dave, I do hope you've signed up to participate in the v2.7.5 beta 

  Richard Gaskin
  Managing Editor, revJournal
  Rev tips, tutorials and more:

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