appearance of standalone is different than stack

Sarah Reichelt sarah.reichelt at
Sun Nov 12 22:22:27 EST 2006

On 11/13/06, Douglas Ivers <doug_ivers at> wrote:
> I develop on Mac OS 10.  I'm creating standalones for Mac PowerPC and
> Universal.  I don't understand why the standalone looks like an old
> mac classic app rather than "aqua" (except the 3 little round buttons
> at upper left - those are aqua).  This didn't happen in an earlier
> version of Rev (2.6, I think).

The standalone builder has left out the plugins needed for the OS X
display. After building your app, right-click (control-click) on the
app and choose "Show package contents" from the popup menu. Open the
Contents folder and you will see a Plugins folder that is mostly
likely empty.

Now show the package contents for your Revolution app and find the
Plugins folder there. It should contain 4 files/folders called
something_support.bundle. Copy them to the Plugins folder of your new
app and all will be well.


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