audio file handling

Phil Davis revdev at
Sun Nov 12 00:11:58 EST 2006

Hello List,

I have a ton of audio files (.WAV and .AIF) I want to examine in Rev, discover 
which ones were created with the wrong settings (sampling rate, frequency range, 
etc), and re-render & export them with different settings. (don't laugh!)

So this is really two questions:

1) Is there a way in Rev to get that kind of info about a file? I can set the 
filename of a player and look at props of the player, but that doesn't seem to 
give me what I need. (Or am I missing something?)

2) Once I discover which files created wrong, is there a way I can export them 
from Rev with different settings?

Thanks folks. I appreciate whatever ideas you can offer.

Phil Davis

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