content of ask file

Ken Ray kray at
Sat Nov 11 22:10:51 EST 2006

On 11/11/06 8:59 PM, "Scott Morrow" <scott at> wrote:

> Ken,
> I have implemented your method of checking the folder path. Thank
> you. However, it seems a best available solution rather than a
> completely reliable one.


> It seems that there should be a way to discover what the user
> actually typed.  (as I suspected I didn't have any luck with front
> scripts catching rawKeyDown in this dialog)  Would this be something
> reasonable to BugZilla as a feature request?

Right now there's no way to know what the user typed (from Transcript, that
is), and as you identified, you can't do anything with frontscripts because
this is a standard OS dialog box.

I think going down the path of a feature request would be a good one. I mean
you can set the path that a dialog opens to, but you can't get one back.

The only other approach would be to create a custom modal stack that acted
like a real dialog box, but that's a real PITA.

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
Web site:
Email: kray at

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