Dollars vs Pounds

Kay C Lan lan.kc.macmail at
Wed Nov 1 20:57:56 EST 2006

I probably should address this to Heather, but I guess she will be off
enjoying Malta.

Why do I get Newsletters that specify deals in U$, but when I go to
the Rev Store it is in £, which would be OK except for the fact that £
amount is about 25% more expensive than the U$ in the Newsletter.

I understand why products will be sold at different prices in
different locations, although this has to be one of the bigger
disparities I've seen. Also, I live closer to the US than I do to the
UK. Is it only US residents that get US prices and everyone else pays
UK price?

You know what they say, what you don't know can't hurt you -
therefore, what you do know can turn you into a real whiner. So cruel
to tease me with a deal in U$ that I can't take advantage of :-(

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