Reading data from COM ports

Sarah Reichelt sarah.reichelt at
Thu May 25 18:03:43 EDT 2006

On 5/23/06, Dharminder Singh <dsraina at> wrote:
> Hi Sarah,
> I was googling yesterday to find out how to read data from 2 COM ports and
> saw
> that you some scripts which can read and send data.
> My requirement is:
> I have a PC with 2 com ports. There is a set of scales on com1 and a barcode
> reader on com2. Basically All I want is a simple app which will
> open com1
> read the data
> close com1
> open com2
> read the data
> close com2
> And then want to use that data from analysis.
> Do you think your scripts can help me out. If so,please send them across.

You can download my serial comms test stack from
This will allow you to open a port, write to it, read from it and
close the port again.
That should give you enough help to do what you need.

I have never tried it, but I would think that you could have 2 com
ports open at the same time, with a "send in time" routine that reads
from them one after another.


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