How to stop tabbing

Todd Geist tg.lists at
Tue May 9 13:15:52 EDT 2006

On May 9, 2006, at 10:10 AM, Jerry Daniels wrote:

> You're trying to hide data outside the rect of the list field? And  
> you want to keep the user from seeing it?
> Just asking to clarify.
> Jerry

Well I guess both ultimately... but for now my need is simple. I just  
want a simple list view with two columns.  I used Chip's altHeader to  
create the Headers and it inserts two tab stops. But when I tab past  
the second column the curser is inserted in column 3 which shouldn't  
be there.  When the user tabs out of column 2 I would like the cursor  
to move to the next column.




Todd Geist
g e i s t   i n t e r a c t i v e

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