Ftp and cross platform issues...

John Patten johnpatten at mac.com
Thu Mar 23 14:36:57 EST 2006

Thanks to all who replied!

Originally, I was running Rev 2.7 on the XP box. So I went and tried it with 2.6. Still no luck.

I took a look at the WindowsXP firewall settings and it was turned on. Turning off the built in WindowsXP Firewall allowed the ftp stack to work (Ftper)properly. Problem indentified!

I went in and looked at the firewall exceptions and Revolution, Revolution 2.6, and Revolution Engine for Win32 were all programs that were checked as exceptions in the Windows firewall settings.

In terms of active and passive ftp, the WindowsXP box was set for "Use Passive FTP" in the WinXP Advanced Internet configuration panel. I didn't think this could be an issue, since it worked when I disabled the Windows firewall. Not sure how I would check the OSX Server ftp service to verify if it was running in passive or active mode. Maybe something from the cmd line..?

My new question is what Firewall exception needs to be entered in the built in WindowsXP Firewall software to make the FTP stack work, without having to turn the built in Windows Firewall completly off?

Thank you!

John Patten

Message: 21 
Date: Thu, 23 Mar 2006 04:30:21 -0600 
From: Chipp Walters <chipp at chipp.com> 
Subject: Re: FTP and cross platform issues... 
To: How to use Revolution <use-revolution at lists.runrev.com> 
Message-ID: <442278BD.8050002 at chipp.com> 
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed 

Hi John, 

What version of Rev are you using? If you're on 2.7 and having trouble 
with FTP uploads, I suggest you contact Dave Cragg and get his 2.7 
libURL patch and try it again. I've had some problems with libURL on 2.7 
and FTP and Dave sent me a patch which fixed it. 




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