Keeping windows together on Windows XP

Graham Samuel livfoss at
Thu Mar 23 12:42:43 EST 2006

On  Thu, 23 Mar 2006 07:30:31 -0800, Rob Cozens <rcozens at> wrote:

> Graham,
>> What I would like is to take charge of the whole front of the screen
>> while my app is active - is this possible?
> Would setting a backdrop accomplish what you want?

Well, maybe, but when I tried this I ran into a problem on Windows  
where the backdrop turned into an independent process and had to be  
closed with ctrl-alt-delete. I may have been doing something wrong,  
but rather than investigate it I went back to my homegrown backdrop  
which fills all the screen apart from the toolbar/dock area (that's  
what I've been asked to do, not cover the whole screen kiosk-style)  
and always pushes my other stacks to the front every time it gets a  
chance... I will look at backdrop some more.

Thanks for replying


Graham Samuel / The Living Fossil Co. / UK and France

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