
liamlambert liamlambert at
Wed Mar 22 19:12:08 EST 2006

I have this bit of code the numberFormat
is not giving me two zeros after the decimal point
Why ???
thanks in advance

global gConID
  get fld "showid"
   put it into tshowid
   set the numberFormat to "#0.00"
   put "SELECT sum (child) FROM Booking where showid = '"& tshowid &  
"'" into tChild
   put revdb_querylist(,,gConID,tChild) into tcSeats
   put tCseats into fld "child"
   put "SELECT sum (adult) FROM Booking where showid = '"& tshowid &  
"'" into tAdult
   put revdb_querylist(,,gConID,tAdult) into tAseats
   put tAseats into fld "Adult"
   put "SELECT sum (cashDb) FROM Booking where showid = '"& tshowid &  
"'" into tCash
   put revdb_querylist(,,gConID,tCash) into tCashFld
   put tCashFld into fld "cash"

Liam Lambert
liamlambert at

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