Getting started with libraries

Rob Cozens rcozens at
Sun Mar 19 11:52:22 EST 2006

Hi Graham,

> So for me the issue is how to reach this point from where I am today. 
> Has anyone any advice about shifting my existing code into libraries 
> without having to massively restructure my existing apps?

First, you have my sincere condolences.

Second, you've made a wonderful case for the need for library stacks

Third, it will be a pain in the arse; but the longer you wait, the 
worse things will get and the greater the task will become.

> So far all I have thought of is to remove the 'common' code to a 
> library but to retain the handler that was in the original app simply 
> as a wrapper - a wrapper handler would look like
> on myOldHandler para1, para2
>   do myLibraryStuff para1,para2
> end myoldHandler

A little good news: unless your scripts contain declared local 
variables, there's a good chance this step is not necessary.

Given a control with a script including

on mouseUp
   put field "Quantity" into para1
   put field "Unit Cost" into para2
   myOldHandler para1,para2
   put the result into field "Total Cost"
end mouseUp

on myOldHandler para1,para2
   global taxRate,shippingTable
   get para1*para2
   set the numberFormat to "#.00"
   add (it*taxRate) to it
   repeat for each line shippingRate in shippingTable
       if item 1 of shippingRate >= it then
           add item 2 of shippingRate to it
            -- assumes last line of shipping table covers largest 
possible amount
           return it
       end if
   end repeat
end myOldHandler

, all you have to do is copy myOldHandler to the library stack, remove 
it from the control's script, and start using the library stack when 
the stack containing the control opens.

> However I have been (I suppose) rather careless with ways of passing 
> values, using various techniques including setting globals, specific 
> fields etc. If the library is not to have too many side effects then I 
> have to generalise those routines too, and that's the bit which I 
> would like to do as efficiently as possible. Maybe it's just a messy 
> job and that's all there is about it, but I'd like to know what other 
> people think.

I hate to confirm what you don't want to hear; but, yes, it ends up 
being a messy job for the reasons you identified: creating a 
generalized handler from two or more similar handlers in different 
stacks often means changing the scripts in both.  To the extent that 
your common handlers are generic, you might adopt your controls to use 
handlers in existing rev libraries rather than generalizing your 
handlers as well as the scripts of controls that call them. Serendipity 
Library <> includes handlers for data 
validation & formatting, date & time handlers, and list handlers in 
addition to SDB database handlers.

The good news: when you are finished, the efficiency you will gain is 
worth much more than the effort involved.

Rob Cozens
CCW, Serendipity Software Company

"And I, which was two fooles, do so grow three;
Who are a little wise, the best fooles bee."

from "The Triple Foole" by John Donne (1572-1631)

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