imagedata in Word XML

Klaus Major klaus at
Sun Mar 19 06:15:56 EST 2006

Dag Henk,

> Rob,
> Indeed does the text of an image contain binary data, but it looks  
> like it's in the PNG format.
> I will do some testing.
> If the text of an image is PNG binary data, and the Word file  
> contains only PNG images, I would be able to set the text of an  
> image to the decoded text from the WordXML node.

one could also try to simply "put" the data into an image!

-> put url("binfile:image.png") into img 1
does work, so this is a least worth a try :-)

> Thanks.
> Henk
> On 18-mrt-2006, at 19:00, use-revolution-request at  
> wrote:
>>> Well, even though you decode the information from the WordML  
>>> file, now you have a binary representation of a PNG or JPEG,  
>>> etc., and that is not in a format proper for imageData, which is  
>>> an array of 4-byte integers, each integer representing one  
>>> pixel.  You will have to base-64 decode the information in the  
>>> WordML file and then read it in as if you were reading an image  
>>> file off a disk, etc.  This will decompress the information that  
>>> is encoded in the file and then you can use the result as imageData.
>> Are you sure the result should be used as the imageData of an  
>> image rather than its text?
>> I don't know exactly what is stored in WordML; but my  
>> understanding is that the text of an image is the actual binary  
>> content of the image file, while the imageData is a Rev- 
>> proprietary representation of the image as currently displayed.

Regards & Groetjes

Klaus Major
klaus at

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