Pass - is it really needed

Sarah Reichelt sarah.reichelt at
Fri Mar 17 18:30:38 EST 2006

> > I was thinking of putting a "-- pass [sys msg name]" in every blank
> > system message handler Constellation creates. That way the user
> > could un-comment the "pass". Like Chipp, most of the time I find
> > the "pass" in a default handler unneeded.
> I would be one of those that would like it to just put the end
> [handler name] for me.  On the rare occasions that I want parameters
> or pass or anything else, I'll just type them in myself.

I agree. There is a very small list of handlers where I usually have a
pass: openStack, preOpenStack, openCard, preOpenCard. Apart from that
I almost never use pass, so I would  prefer it if Constellation left
it out and I added it manually when needed.

You could add another preference:
  add pass to all new handlers
  add pass to system messages only
  never add pass


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