Revolution Media Presentation Viewable on Web?

Ben Rubinstein benr_mc at
Tue Jun 27 11:28:48 EDT 2006

T'aint the same as displaying content embedded in the middle of a web page; 
and still requires (as every other possible solution would) the end user to 
download something on their disk; but it occurs to me that we might, with 
little effort, at least be able to get to the state that PDF is on for many 

That is, while some browsers display PDF as a whole window within the browser, 
many others simply hand off a PDF file linked from a web page to Acrobat or 

At least on the Mac, I think it would be simple to write a standalone that 
when launched, sets itself as the handler for eg the protocal "revhttp:". 
Then instead of telling to people to launch Rev and type
	go to URL "http://xxx"

in the message box, you'd simply have a link like this on a web page:
	<a href="revhttp://xxx">click to run</a>

When the user clicks it, the browser hands it off to the standalone, which 
will be launched if necessary - the standalone gets the message to open that 
URL, realises it is a rev stack to be accessed by http, fetches the stack, opens.

I know the basic mechanism (browser handing off URL to app written in Rev) 
works, because I used it recently to have links in web page causing a 
Rev-based app to display some relevant information.  In that case I was 
manually configuring the Mac to link the 'protocol' to my app, but I assume 
this can be done programatically. (My suggestion above, assuming it's trivial, 
is to make the standalone runner be its own installer in this respect.)

I never did discover how to set up a custom protocal mapping like this on 
Windows - does anyone know?

If this idea actually strikes anyone as useful, perhaps the RevInterop group 
might like to consider if there are some guidelines that might be useful to 
standardise on.

Also (Lynn?) - while clearly a Studio/Enterprise user can set something like 
this up for themselves/their own user base, would RunRev have issues about 
this?  Maybe (unless everyone thinks this is a totally dumb idea) this 
functionality could be built into the forthcoming enhanced Rev Player.

   Ben Rubinstein               |  Email: benr_mc at
   Cognitive Applications Ltd   |  Phone: +44 (0)1273-821600        |  Fax  : +44 (0)1273-728866

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