Dependence on Programming Experts

Troy Rollins troy_lists at
Wed Jul 12 01:19:50 EDT 2006

On Jul 12, 2006, at 12:46 AM, Dan Shafer wrote:

> Completely disagree.

So... in other words, the language should suit specifically *you*  
rather than *everyone*.

Director has 3 complete syntaxes. They are ALL in use. I've never  
heard of anyone being bothered by the existence of the two they don't  
use. It simply doesn't come up as an issue.

How would x = 5 create problems for you if you could still PUT 5 into x?

I personally find verbose arcane. Disagree all you like.

> Verbose tends to be far more readable by more people
> with less detailed knowledge of the language and system.

So? Not all software is written to be handed around for community  
review. Some of it is just solitary programming and getting stuff  
done. We're not all writing eBooks about it.

You may be surprised to hear, at least some of us use Revolution  
DESPITE of its language, not because of it. I'm sure that many  
experienced developers have abandoned it entirely due to the arcane- 
seeming syntax in contrast to virtually every other language out there.

"Bah! We don't need 'em!"

What exactly is the proven benefit of keeping verbose languages  
"verbosely pure" again?

RPSystems, Ltd.

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