Rev for Linux "Seal of Approval"

Bob Warren bobwarren at
Thu Jul 6 20:09:51 EDT 2006

Viktoras Didziulis wrote:
I personally have Ubuntu linux (Debian family) installed on my laptop PC 
and PC as the second OS. Really happy with this. Earlier have tried 
Fedora Core, but this one used to have some annoyances with laptops and 
multimedia. Then switched to Scientific Linux, multimedia was OK, still 
the main annoyance was corrupted RPM and updating system due to the bug 
in Red Hat family Linuxes. They likely got fixed this now, but as I have 
already switched to Ubuntu - not going back to Red Hat  ;-) .

Regarding the criterions I would suggest taking compliance with LSB 3.1
standard as the main criteria because that's what all the standard is for...
All serious Linuxes should implement this standard.

Linuxes that are closiest to the imlementation of the LSB 3.1 are: 
Xandros, Red Hat, Novel, Ubuntu. Also Debian Common Core (DCC) Alliance 
- this means all Linuxes based on the stable Debian 3.1 (Sarge) are 
aiming at LSB 3.1.
The DCC includes Knoppix, LinEx, Linspire, etc...

Thanks for this great info Viktoras! Of course the adoption of such 
standards is very important, and we might presume that eventually 
various Linuxes will adhere to them. However, "ordinary" (non-geeky) 
users such as myself are more worried about whether they can use PPT, 
DOC, AVI, MP3, MPG,.......and (dare I mention it?) MIDI files as they 
might have done using Windows, with easily-installable utility programs 
for displaying/editing them, and without hassle regarding broken 
packages, missing codecs, etc. I am not sure to what degree these things 
are provided for in the LSB 3.1 standard, but what I do know is that so 
far I have not managed to play such files in the great majority of the 
Linuxes I have tried. What I suggested at the beginning of this thread 
is that perhaps Rev could consider this aspect seriously before giving 
its "seal of approval". In the last analysis, it's not much good if a 
given Linux distro theoretically supports a standard, but in the reality 
of its practice it either does not adhere to the standard, or regardless 
of the standard, produces a lousy Linux in this respect. In other words, 
a distro needs to prove itself to be good in real terms before Rev is 
prepared to recommend that its users should write programs for it. But 
perhaps I am asking a lot....... Certainly, Rev getting luvvy-duvvy with 
one or more of the Linux producers (as I recommended a long time ago) 
would on the face of it be beneficial to both parties, and if Rev and 
Ubuntu got married to some degree, or even had a passing love-affair, I 
would, like you, be a happy man.


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