using stacks on multiple computers

Björnke von Gierke bvg at
Tue Jan 31 11:01:12 EST 2006

On Jan 31 2006, at 16:49, Aminda O'Hare wrote:

> I recently made a Revolution card stack on one PC. I have since 
> transferred it to another PC in my lab that only runs the Dreamcard 
> Player. My card stack will not work on this computer. Could anyone 
> tell me if there's anything special I need to do to run a stack from 
> one computer on another?

Can you explain in detail what doesn't run? Does it start? how are you 
trying to start it (dragdrop, doubleclick,...)
Maybe it's so that you try to write something to the hard disk, and 
that fails? in that case click on the "R" of the dreamcard player to 
uncheck the security checkmark.


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