
Ken Ray kray at
Fri Jan 27 05:41:38 EST 2006

On 1/27/06 4:20 AM, "Eric Chatonet" <eric.chatonet at>

> Hi Scott,
> Just try put img "myImage" into img "HerpImage"

It looks like you're just trying to do an import:

  answer file "Select the image:"
  if it <> "" then
    import paint from file it
  end if

This will import it full-size to the center of the current card. After the
import, the "it" variable contains the object reference to the image object
that was created due to the import. So to name it right after import, you
can do this:

  answer file "Select the image:"
  if it <> "" then
    import paint from file it
    set the name of it to "MyImage"
  end if

 If you need to move it into a pre-existing image object, use Eric's command
above to do it - if you need more help, let us know.

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Web site:
Email: kray at

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