stopping an on-screen timer

Richard Gaskin ambassador at
Thu Jan 19 21:31:09 EST 2006

Sarah Reichelt wrote:
>> What is the best way to display a timer on the screen and then have it
>> stoppable?
>> Something like the following would work for the timer
>> on UpdateTimer
>>    -- update the display
>>    send UpdateTimer to me in 1 sec
>> end UpdateTimer
>> My question is how best to stop the timer?
>> Is it better to look for the UpdateTimer message in the pendingMessages and
>> cancel it?
> I prefer the pendingMessages method and I don't store the ID of the
> message and cancel that because I am never sure that catches all the
> messages. So just loop through the pendingMessages cancelling any and
> all that match your handler name.

Good idea -- here's a handler Peter might find handy:

-- fwKillPendingMessage
-- Cancels the message named in pMessage.
-- If pMessage contains the word "all" then
-- all pending messages are cancelled.
on fwKillPendingMessage pMessage
   put the pendingMessages into tList
   repeat for each line tMsg in tList
     if (pMessage is "all") or (pMessage is among the items of tMsg) then
       cancel (item 1 of tMsg)
     end if
   end repeat
end fwKillPendingMessage

  Richard Gaskin
  Fourth World Media Corporation
  Ambassador at

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