OSX & Win icons

Marty Knapp martyknapp at comcast.net
Sun Jan 1 14:26:16 EST 2006

Happy New Year everyone,

Say, I'm getting ready to deploy an application to OSX and Windows, and 
one of the issues is the application icon. I've read Chipp's and Ken's 
tutorials and downloaded IconBuilder, which looks great accept for two 
things - it's a bit expensive and it won't run on my OS 10.2.8 machine 
(needs 10.3.9).

I did find a $20 shareware program called "Export Icon Plug-in 1.7" for 
Photoshop - does anyone have any experience with that? It seemed to work 
on all but the largest size (turned the background solid black). I also 
downloaded QTam or windows. It generates a Windows .ICO, but when I try 
to use it in Rev (I have 2.2.1 Enterprise) I get the message that "the 
file does not include 8 required image formats" and it lists various 
sizes and formats. I haven't paid the shareware fee yet - want to make 
sure it'll do what I need. The instructions are a bit sparse as well. I 
looks like the largest image size it will import is 48x48.

Thanks for any help.

Marty Knapp

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