More e-mail troubles

Bob Warren robertum at
Tue Feb 28 19:53:39 EST 2006

Dear Jacque,

Thanks very much for the info, you have certainly put my mind at rest 
regarding the possibility of a virus/hacker attack and/or the 
possibility of giving RunRev a bad name by sending unwanted List e-mails 
all over the world. It's just that I've never seen it before, even 
though I've participated on the U-R List on quite a number of occasions.

As for the mystery of Support not answering my e-mails, I have always 
sent my messages directly to Heather, and she has never suggested I 
should use <support at> instead. Next time, I'll use this 
address and see if I get a bit more joy.

Best regards, and thanks again.


J. Landman Gay wrote:

> Bob Warren wrote:
>> Dear Jacque,
>> I'm teribly sorry, but when your e-mail arrived in my Mail Washer, I 
>> was so anxious to see it that I accidentally erased it! And I don't 
>> know whether you also sent it to the U-R List, that I have not 
>> received yet.
>> At the expense of trying your patience, would you mind sending it again?
> LOL! People aren't usually so excited to hear from me. :) You're 
> right, I sent it to both you and the list, and I don't mind at all 
> sending it again. Here's a copy.
> By the way, it appears that some others aren't getting regular list 
> mail either, so there may be a glitch in the system somewhere. I'm not 
> on digest and my copies of list mail are coming in quite regularly, 
> but maybe the digest function is lagging.
> Jacque
> ***
> Bob Warren wrote:
> > Dear All,
> >
> > I would not normally dream of trying to deal with an administrative
> > problem on this List, but it seems that all communication with 
> Technical
> > Support has been cut off. I have been unable to get a word out of them
> > for the last 10 days (and even then it was only one word).
> >
> > I have tried sending copies of my e-mails to Mark Chia and to Kevin,
> > with no result.
> >
> > My aim in sending details of my difficulty to the List is 2-fold:
> >
> > 1) Presuming that there is some good technical reason for my
> > communication cutoff, perhaps someone in Technical Support will see it
> > and give me an answer.
> >
> > 2) Regarding the possibility that my computer might have been attacked
> > by a Use-Revolution-List-specific virus or even a hacker, perhaps
> > someone can give me advice on what to do, especially if they have had a
> > similar experience. This is the most urgent part.
> >
> > Since sending the e-mails below, I suddenly received all the 
> outstanding
> > U-R Lists in one great dollop.
> >
> > Hoping someone can clarify.
> I just did a search of the support database and could not find any
> messages from you within the last two months, so it appears your emails
> aren't getting through (or my search skills are suspect.) The address is
> <support at>. I assume that is where you sent your inquiries,
> but just in case, double-check. Tech support *always* responds, usually
> within 2 days, so if you haven't received a response after, say, four
> days (which would be a very long time) then you can be pretty sure your
> message never arrived. Don't send to Kevin or Mark -- your note will get
> lost in a huge sea of correspondence.
> > However, something somewhere is sending copies of my e-mails to
>  > other people (with apparently normal accounts) in other parts of
>  > the world. I know this because I have received messages back telling
>  > me that the person's mailbox is full, or that their anti-spam filter
>  > doesn't recognise me as a "friend" and they need me to confirm that
>  > I really did send them the message (which I didn't, of course).
> What you are receiving from "strangers" is just a normal bounce that is
> routine for this type of mailing list. When you send a note to the list,
> the server copies it to everyone. Some people's mailboxes are full, or
> they have an auto-responder that sends back a boilerplate message. These
> bounces are not routed back to the main mailing list (which would cause
> an infinite loop of send-bounce-send-bounce,) but a copy *is* sent to
> the original poster (unfortunately, that's just how these lists work.)
> That's why if you go on vacation you should turn off any auto-responders
> from your own mailbox or else temporarily suspend mailing lists, because
> everyone who happens to write to the list will receive your
> auto-response after every message they send. I have been deleting
> multiple auto-responders recently, as one particular list member forgot
> to turn off his list mail before he left town. Sometimes Heather will
> notice these and turn off that person's list delivery temporarily, but
> other times we just have to toss out those responses ourselves.
> They are nothing to worry about and they mean nothing; they are a
> routine bounce from the list server. Just delete them. (Actually, what
> I've done is set up a mail filter that automatically routes these to my
> mail trash.)

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