There's a fly (or two) in my ointment

Bob Warren robertum at
Thu Feb 23 00:11:49 EST 2006

Dear John,
774970929898949961850787500473623625 ticks, or in other words, far too long!


John Tregea wrote:

>-----Original Message-----
>> I won't waste my time complaining about it because I think it will 
>>either not be addressed, or it will take half a yonk to fix.
>Dear Bob,
>And if you could just clarify for me exactly how long is a yonk? 
>I am developing a product which includes accessing distributed RDBMS around
>the world as well as scheduling and coordination of real and virtual
>meetings worldwide. Consequently, I have to include a time translation layer
>and want to include all measures of time and their equivalent durations in
>ticks.    {: )

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