Is duration (not delay) of the toolTip adjustable

Thomas McGrath III 3mcgrath at
Sun Feb 19 18:56:06 EST 2006


You might also want to check out my other stacks "Tool Tip Reveal"  
and "Multi Tool Tip" user space mcgrath3

They do a little different approach with mouseUp instead but for  
showing tool tips for multiple objects.

on mouseUp
     set the toolTipDelay to 150
     set the moveSpeed to 250
     put "One" & cr & "Two" & cr & "Three" into lMyList
     repeat with g = 1 to the number of lines in lMyList
         set the screenMouseLoc to globalLoc(the loc of button g)
         set the cursor to hand
         wait 4000 milliseconds with messages
     end repeat
     set the screenMouseLoc to globalLoc(the loc of button "Run")
end mouseUp


On Feb 19, 2006, at 1:01 PM, André.Bisseret wrote:

> Hi Tom,
> Thank you for your "Longer toolTip" stack. I would very much get  
> durations like those of button 2 or even button 3, that work very  
> nicely
> But, in my case I can't, I am afraid ! I must manage lines of text  
> in a field ; I can't use "on mouseEnter" ; I must use "mouseDown"  
> because I need to get the text of the line on which the cursor is  
> located, and this, ONLY starting from an intended action  from the  
> user.
> I tried diverse solutions inspired by your button 3 script, but  
> without any success (Could be I miss some way)
> As Éric told me, the best I obtained was flickering tooltips :-((
> Anyway thanks a lot Tom ; I keep your solution in memory
> Bests regards from Grenoble
> André
> Le Saturday, 18 Feb 2006, à 20:11 Europe/Paris, Thomas McGrath III  
> a écrit :
>> Hello,
>> I have uploaded a sample stack to my user space that will display  
>> a tooltip for a longer period of time than the standard tooltips  
>> using standard tooltips. It also shows how to display a multiple  
>> tooltip but that part does not always work for some reason.
>> User space: mcgrath3
>> Stack: Longer Tooltips in Revolution
>> HTH
>> Tom
>> Any ides why the second button only shows the second tooltip  
>> occasionally????
>> On Feb 18, 2006, at 12:13 PM, Eric Chatonet wrote:
>>> Re Bonjour André,
>>> Afraid there is no way to master the duration for which a tooltip  
>>> is displayed.
>>> The only thing you can do is to re-display the tooltip repeatedly...
>>> But flickering would probably appear...
>>> Not a very good answer :-(
>>> Le 18 févr. 06 à 18:05, André.Bisseret a écrit :
>>>> Hello,
>>>> The app. I am developing is a set of texts, one on each card.
>>>> On a special card, accessible from the homeCard, there is a  
>>>> field that displays the list of all the titles of the texts.
>>>> Of course, this field has a vertical scrollBar but also an  
>>>> horizontal one, because some titles are  longer than the width  
>>>> of the field.
>>>> I am not very happy about this horizontal scrollBar, from an  
>>>> ergonomical point of view.
>>>> So I will keep it, but I would like to add a redundant way to  
>>>> reading the ends of the longs titles.
>>>> Thanks to Tutorials Picker 2.0, that I « picked » on the site So  
>>>> Smart Software of Éric Chatonet,  I discovered «  How to create  
>>>> contextual toolTips on-the-fly ».
>>>> Reading this tutorial, I got the idea of using « toolTips ».
>>>> Below is the handlers I wrote in the script of the TitlesField :
>>>> ----------------------------
>>>> local tLine
>>>> on mouseDown
>>>>   put word 2 of the mouseLine into tLine
>>>>   set the tooltip of me to empty
>>>>   set the toolTip of me to line tLine of me
>>>> end mouseDown
>>>> ----------------
>>>> on mouseUp
>>>>   set the toolTip of me to empty
>>>> end mouseUp
>>>>  ---------------------------
>>>> I put this « mouseUp handler » because the toolTip stays there  
>>>> for a certain time that is constant before disappearing.
>>>> I want to avoid constraining the user to wait for all this time.
>>>> That works well but, on the other hand, this constant duration  
>>>> is sometimes a bit too short to read comfortably the longs  
>>>> titles in the toolTip.
>>>> There is my problem : Is there a possibility to set the duration  
>>>> of toolTip display ? In fact I would need to get it longer.
>>>> I searched diverse ressources (with « Ressources Picker », of  
>>>> course) but I did not find any answer to this question.
>>>> Thanks in advance for any idea,
>>>> Best regards from Grenoble
>>>> André
>>> Best Regards from Paris,
>>> Eric Chatonet
>>> -------------------------------------------------------------------- 
>>> --------------------------
>>> eric.chatonet at
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Thomas J McGrath III
3mcgrath at

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Semantic Compaction Systems -

SCIconics, LLC -

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