Advice? Purchasing Quandary...

simplsol at simplsol at
Fri Feb 17 21:28:57 EST 2006

Based on the numerous, fundamental and significant problems I've found 
in a brief use of 2.7, I wouldn't recommend waiting for the new and 
probably similar Media.
2.6.1 is a much more solid product, which your students should find 
useful. And they will get a lesson in software evolution.
Best wishes for the new semester.
Paul Looney

-----Original Message-----
From: Chipp Walters <chipp at>
To: How to use Revolution <use-revolution at>
Sent: Fri, 17 Feb 2006 14:12:52 -0600
Subject: Re: Advice? Purchasing Quandary...

   Hi Judy, 
  I'd contact Kevin about this. I'm sure he can work something out with 
you seeing as how you're promoting his product at the university level. 
It's certainly in his best interests to make it work for you. 
 Judy Perry wrote: 
 > Any recommendations? 
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