Re: How to stay on a card when repeating a « find »

André.Bisseret Andre.Bisseret at
Mon Feb 13 08:57:41 EST 2006

Le Friday, 10 Feb 2006, à 17:58 Europe/Paris, J. Landman Gay a écrit :

> But just to be complete for anyone who is following this, you could 
> also do this:
> on preOpenCard
>   if the number of this cd > 4
>   then set the dontsearch of this cd to false
> end preOpencard
> on closeCard
>   set the dontsearch of this cd to true
> end closeCard
> This would be the fastest way to do what you want. Before you run 
> these scripts, make sure you have set all the cards to dontsearch. The 
> above handlers just make the current card searchable, unless it is one 
> of the first four.

Hi Jacqueline,
I tried that of course ; actually, it is  the fastest way !! (from 2000 
measures on each solution, I found a mean about 15 times faster than 
the mean of the preceeding solution :-)))

Meanwhile, before searching in the current card only, I have to search 
among the cards (to find those which include the keywords).
  So I can't set, once and for, all the dontsearch to true.
Thus, I have to switch  the dontsearch (of all cards) from true to 
false (and resume true) in a couple of places in my whole program.
It works very well.

Thanks a lot for your attention to this problem and your very nice 

Best regards from Grenoble

> -- 
> Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
> HyperActive Software           |

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