Hacking the revMenuBar menu for mouseless control ?

Mathewson richmond at mail.maclaunch.com
Mon Feb 13 07:28:44 EST 2006

This is really a reposting of the end of a longer message I
posted yesterday:

Yesterday opened up the menu editor and added cmd-6, cmd-8
and cmd-7 to the revMenuBar menu under Objects so that I
can call  Card Script, Object Properties and Card
Properties respectively from my Belkin Nostromo.  

1.  What is not clear to me is whether one can edit menus
so that they will respond with any of those Function
buttons at the top of the keyboard, or with multiple
key-downs such as cmd-alt-something. 

I am trying to go as mouseless as possible. RSI and
tendo-vaginitis are an ongoing problem for me - and the
mouse is the main criminal.

2. as the revMenuBar is a central part of the RR IDE, while
I can hack-away to my heart's content with my own copy of
Dreamcard  -presumably I cannot then make the reslut
publically available for folk to import into their DC/RRs?

sincerely, Richmond Mathewson
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