send "Rawkeydown param" problem

J. Landman Gay jacque at
Sun Feb 12 21:48:58 EST 2006

Howard Bornstein wrote:
> On 2/12/06, Phil Davis <davis.phil at> wrote:
>>Hi Howard,
>>You could try displaying 'the executionContexts' in an 'errorDialog'
>>handler of your stack script - maybe that will give you some clues as to
>>what's happening.
>>Phil Davis
> Where did you find information about "the executionContexts"? I
> couldn't find any reference to it in the docs so I don't know how to
> interpret the results.

It is undocumented and likely to remain so. The "executionContexts" is 
intended only for use within the IDE, though some people are using it 
elsewhere. It is not guaranteed to remain unchanged and it is unsupported.

> It gave: stack "/Users/howard/Projects/LandyVision/LandyPlayer.rev",errorDialog,198
> What does 198 refer to?

The line number of the error in the errors list -- see below.

> For that matter, there doesn't seem to be complete info about the
> errorDialog message. It says line one contains "Information about the
> statement that caused the error."
>  In my case, line 1 shows: 573,10,1,rawkeydown
> Well, I know it's telling me that the rawkeydown handler caused the
> error, but what does 573,10,1 mean?

the number are, in order: the line number in the script where the error 
occured, the column (or token) where the error occured (usually 
corresponds to a word) and the parameter that is being manipulated or 
passed, if any. In your example, the error occured on line 573 of the 
script at word or token 10. There is a parameter of "1" being 
manipulated (I think; I've forgotten some of this.)

> In addition, the errorDialog dictionary entry refers to the
> cErrorsList property of the stack "revErrorDisplay" as having useful
> info. This property contains (on my system) 631 error entries.

Right. That is the list you check to find out what error 198 is. Line 
198 of that list gives you an English description of the problem, which 
is, "Factor: error in left operand". Apparently it doesn't like that "1".

> I have
> no idea what they are, if they're simply a list of errors or if
> they're pertinent to my situation, etc. Again, there is no other
> reference to this property anywhere in the Rev documentation that I
> could find.

They are a lookup list so that Rev's error dialog can contain an 
English-language description for the user. In general, these are only 
for use within the IDE and they occasionally change, so if you plan to 
include the list in a standalone, you should update it if you rebuild 
with a newer engine version.

> I'm in one of those black "I hate Rev" moods, based on my inability to
> find the information I need to solve my problem.

Hopefully you are only grey now.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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