Creating reports from a Garmin 60CSX GPS...

Jim Carwardine JimCarwardine at
Wed Dec 13 10:28:23 EST 2006

Hi Folks... There has been a few posts regarding passing information to/from
a computer and a Palm-type device.  I'd like to do the same for a GPS.

There are GPS devices out there <>
that do deliver reports calculating mileage and tracking start and end trip
points from a street map database but they are all single purpose
dash-mounted devices.  I can't seem to find a hand-held GPS, that I can also
carry into the woods, that produces these kinds of reports even though they
connect to a PC or Mac via USB.

My purpose is, of course, to be able to track my business mileage during the
week and track my hiking routes during the weekend with the same device.

The Garmin 60CSX is x-platform and does upload a file to the PC or Mac but
the users guide does not describe a report package or indicate the
possibility of creating reports.  I want to assure myself I can produce
mileage reports before I lay out the cash.

Does anyone on this list have any experience with creating reports from an
uploaded GPS file or know of a report package that is available?

Thanks... Jim

Own Your Future Consulting Services Limited,
23 Shoal Cove Road, Seabright, Nova Scotia, Canada.  B3Z 3A9
Phone: 902-823-2339. Fax: 902-823-2139

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