Multi-standalone communication

J. Landman Gay jacque at
Sat Dec 9 18:09:13 EST 2006

Richard Gaskin wrote:
> jacque wrote:
>  >> Jim Ault wrote:
>  >>
>  >> Glad you found and explored an easy 'send' method.
>  >> I did not know that you could simply 'send' between
>  >> two standalones. Does this really work on both Mac
>  >> and Windows? or just Mac?
>  >
>  > Just Mac. It's a HyperCard compatibility command,
>  > and sends an appleEvent.
> Any Rev-based app can control and other Rev-based app?


> Without some restrictions it sounds like a potential security concern....

The "send" command just sends an appleEvent to another app -- it could 
be the Finder, or any other scriptable app. If the receiving program is 
a Rev standalone, it must have an appleEvent handler to manage the event 
message or nothing happens. The appleEvent handler will deal with any 
event it needs to and ignore those it doesn't. If it wants to return 
data to the first app, it uses the "reply" command to send back whatever 
data it has been programmed to respond with.

It would be a security concern if someone were stupid enough to write an 
appleEvent handler that responded to any incoming "doscript" event with 
"do <event>". But that would be their own fault.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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