Loading urls from a protected website

Eric Chatonet eric.chatonet at sosmartsoftware.com
Wed Dec 6 13:09:36 EST 2006


Your are completely right:
Rev checks the cachedUrls and delivers it from cache if it's there.
Anyway, unloading an url you no longer need is not so bad for memory  
use ;-)

Le 6 déc. 06 à 19:04, Jim Ault a écrit :

> Also, I think if you are accessing web pages, repeated 'load url'  
> commands
> to the same url means Rev checks the cache first, and if something  
> is there,
> it delivers that to your handler, rather than re-downloading.   
> Therefore,
> the 'unload' is necessary before a 'load url' to be sure you are  
> getting the
> updated version.

Best Regards from Paris,
Eric Chatonet
http://www.sosmartsoftware.com/    eric.chatonet at sosmartsoftware.com/

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