Getting version string for standalone app

Richard Gaskin ambassador at
Wed Aug 16 01:29:08 EDT 2006

Sarah Reichelt wrote:

> I want to work the other way around. I want to be able to set a
> version number in my application and have it transfer this to all the
> various settings in the Standalone Builder.

Me too, so I built my own standalone builder.  The Universal Binary 
engine broke it, and in the course of adding support for UB I've taken 
it rather completely apart, but once it's put back together I'll make it 
available publicly along with the other devolution goodies.

The inspiration for Rev's recent support for one-click builds, my 
standalone builder has been used by a number of developers for years -- 
but the new version in the works will be fully RIP-compliant from the 
ground up, so the uRIP["Version"] property it uses can also be used by 
the About box in your app, any Fourth World framework or project 
template, updating libraries, and as many other goodies as others are 
willing to support.

More about RIP:

collaboration = symbiosis = productivity

  Richard Gaskin
  Fourth World Media Corporation
  Ambassador at

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