Why do group ID's change when cloning a stack

Sarah Reichelt sarah.reichelt at gmail.com
Sat Aug 12 01:08:49 EDT 2006

On 8/12/06, Judy Perry <jperryl at ecs.fullerton.edu> wrote:
> Is this a programmer-thing?
> I ask because I have a devil of a time convincing my students to *name*
> their objects.  They end up having problems and it's VERY frustrating...

Judy, apart from the ID problem, it's a matter of practicality.
If your students come back to a line of script in 6 months time and it says:
    set the label of btn ID 8765 to "Whatever"

they are not going to have a clue what is going on.

However if it says:
   set the label of btn "PrintSelectedText" to "Whatever"
they are going to be able to see immediately what it is.

Like Richard, I really like the way Rev allows you to have separate
names & labels, so that labels can be changed to suit customer
preferences, languages or what ever you like, while keeping the name
the same so all your scripts still work.


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