Saving externals in a standalone on OSX?

J. Landman Gay jacque at
Fri Aug 4 13:47:45 EDT 2006

David Bovill wrote:
> Sorry tabkey problem with webmail :)
> On 04/08/06, David Bovill <david at> wrote:
>> Has anyone any thoughts on where to store "plugins" for a standalone on
>> OSX? That is if your application is designed to be extensible by 
>> downloading
>> code from the internet.
> This code can be:
>    1) Rev stacks,
>    2) Rev externals
>    3) Command line tools
>    4) Shell scripts
> Different users would have different set ups. I am thinking of using the
> "plugins" folder in the standalone bundle for these code fragments, and
> using the Documents folder for "content" - ie images, xml and content
> oriented stacks.
> Any thoughts?

I have an app that downloads stack content. It stores those in the 
Application Support/<appname> folder in OS X, which is where this stuff 
is technically supposed to go. You are guaranteed permissions to write 
files to that folder. In Windows the parallel location is "/Documents 
and Settings/All Users/Application Data/" for everyone, and the user's 
home equivalent for a single user.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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