"stamp" copy methods

Kurt Kaufman kkaufman at snet.net
Sun Apr 30 22:19:14 EDT 2006

I'm looking for an efficient way to do the following:
1) I have a collection of about 50 very small graphics (b&w).
2) I'd trap keystrokes to set the cursor to a miniature  
representation of one of the above graphics.
3) Subsequent clicking on a "canvas" would create and place a copy of  
the keystroke-chosen graphic at the clicked location.
4) The location of the graphic now placed in step 3 can be tweaked  
with mouse or arrow keys.
5) Creation of arcs (music slurs and ties)
6) Creation of music "beams" for 8th and 16th notes, etc.

I'm especially interested in suggestions for step 3, but all  
suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

I have received over the years dozens of requests for an OSX- 
compatible pen-and-paper style music notation program similar to an  
admittedly amateurish one I developed in Supercard many years ago.   
I'm sure I can do better this time around, and release it for OSX,  
Windows and UNIX as well!

thank you,

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