Can't close a socket. Bugs ?

Girard Damien dam-pro.girard at
Thu Apr 27 15:33:53 EDT 2006

Hi all,

I am searching about how using socket in Runtime Revolution (for permit  
two software to communicate between

But I have a strange bug.

I have opened and close after a socket, and I have got this strange result  

-> put opensockets()

-> open socket "" with message "DPComOpen"
socket is already open

Why runrev say that this socket is already open ? This socket is not in  
the opensockets() list.
This is really strange, because when I have got the same result after I  
have done this command :
close socket ""

I don't really understand. Why runrev say that the socket is opened ? and  
what he cannot unload this socket.
(the close socket command don't return anything).


Girard Damien.

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