Stack file format change in 2.7 - BACK UP!

David Burgun dburgun at
Thu Apr 20 05:41:45 EDT 2006

Hi All,

I really can't understand all the mystery surrounding this "fix" to  
allow backwards compatibility. As far as I understand it, there is a  
way to tell the engine to save in the old format or the new format,  
with version 2.7 defaulting to the newer format. That all sounds  
reasonable. What I can't understand is why how to do it is a  
"secret"? There is a protected IDE plug-in available that allows you  
to save in either format, but since it is protected, the details are  
hidden. There is no real mention of it on the RunRev Web Site or in  
the Documentation as far as I can see. Leaving this "hanging" like  
this is just bound to lead to problems IMO. Problems that could be so  
easily avoided just by either shipping the PlugIn with the release,  
or having an IDE command or preference to select it or by just  
documenting exactly how to do it.

Anyone have any ideas on this mystery?????

All the Best

>> Before I panic everyone on the list for the second time
>> today, there's a way to back out of this change and make the
>> stack 2.4 compatible again, but you'll lose any 2.7 features
>> if you do it. The info was not included in the What's New
>> file, so I'm not sure if it's okay to post it here. To be
>> safe, just plan on working on duplicates.

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