Weird and Horrible Problem??!!

Alex Tweedly alex at
Thu Apr 13 12:53:37 EDT 2006

David Burgun wrote:

> How can an array have *two* identical entries??? My guess is that  
> they are not identical and that I just can't see the difference using  
> the debugger?? Maybe some non-displayable data got in there some how?  
> The Kind could be stored in a Custom Property is that makes any  
> difference.
> Any Tips on how to track down what is going wrong here would be  
> greatly appreciated.
I've use a brute force method to find things like this ....

    repeat for each line L in the keys of gArray
        repeat for each char c in L
            put c && chartonum(c) & space after msg
        end repeat
        put cr after msg
    end repeat

Alex Tweedly

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