Runtime Revolution Ships Revolution Media; Announce Revolution Forums

Jim Hurley jhurley at
Sun Apr 9 10:43:15 EDT 2006

>Message: 22
>Date: Sat, 08 Apr 2006 17:52:17 -0700
>From: Jim Ault <JimAultWins at>
>Meander thru the book store, look at the shelves and see the impact those
>names have... a variety of reactions, I would imagine.  The C++ primer as
>thick as your arm.
>Now imagine Revolution snuggled between them in alphabetical order...
>Revolution in 21 Days
>Revolution Bible
>Revolution Cross-Platform Made-Easy
>Rev Desktop Reference
>Revolution for Network Administrators
>Revolution Externals Handbook
>Revolution-ize Your Office
>Eye-popping Rev Interfaces
>Revolution for Dummies (which is when you know you have finally arrived)
>Jim Ault
>Las Vegas


We need to put out a "Revolution for Dummies." Maybe Dan would 
consider a re-write. He could do it in Transcript--I mean Revolution:

Put "Revolution at the speed of thought" into tText
replace "Transcript" with "Revolution" in tText
revPrintText tText

We haven't arrived, but people would think we have, and perception 
trumps reality.

Yet another Jim.

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