Unicode result and booleans

Thomas McGrath III 3mcgrath at adelphia.net
Sat Apr 1 18:21:30 EST 2006

Hello again to all of you Revers,

I am having a problem with the result of a VBscript script. I think  
it returns a Unicode result.
It is 0 for true and -1 for false

I have a switch case to check which and change it to true/false  
instead of 0 -1.

put the result into tResult
put the uniDecode of tResult into myDeText
put myDeText

This results in a - being put in the message box and not a -1 since  
it is false in this case.
If I don't unidecode then I get -1 in the message box BUT the switch  
case does not work????

switch myDeText
case 0
put "true" into tResult
return tResult
case -1
put "false" into tResult
return tResult
end switch

ALSO, without the uniDecode if I put the 0 and -1 in quotes it still  
steps right past the case -1.

switch myDeText
case "0"
put "true" into tResult
return tResult
case "-1"
put "false" into tResult
return tResult
end switch

If I change the result to true then I DO get the 0 and the quoted  
case works.
And if I change the -1 to just a - then the damn thing works with  
uniDecode and quoted "0" and "-".

switch myDeText
case "0"
put "true" into tResult
return tResult
case "-"
put "false" into tResult
return tResult
end switch

I think I have tried all possible combinations and still can't seem  
to get it right.

Any thoughts? Help is appreciated.


Thomas J McGrath III
3mcgrath at adelphia.net

Lazy River Software™ - http://www.lazyriversoftware.com

Lazy River Metal Art™ - http://www.lazyriversoftware.com/metal.html

Meeting Wear™ - http://www.cafepress.com/meetingwear

Semantic Compaction Systems - http://www.minspeak.com

SCIconics, LLC - http://www.sciconics.com/sciindex.html

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