Folder Action opens Rev stack on OSX?

Ken Ray kray at
Sun Sep 25 14:52:31 EDT 2005

On 9/25/05 1:13 PM, "david bovill" <david at> wrote:

> I want to have AppleScript watch a folder so that when a video file
> is dropped into the folder a Rev stack is opened which displays the
> video file in a player. Is that asking too much :)

Not at all! In fact OS 8 and 9 (not sure about X) has had folder-watching
scripts called "Folder Action Scripts" (mine's in /System
Folder/Scripts/Folder Action Scripts); the only thing you'd need to do is
add the ability to launch Rev with a stack (or even easier) to launch a Rev

Of course, you could make a Rev standalone that was always running and *it*
could check a folder to see when a file is dropped into it and then just go
get it...

Your call on how you want to handle it,

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Web site:
Email: kray at

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