Start, Stop, Continue

Glen Bojsza gbojsza at
Fri Sep 9 08:10:21 EDT 2005

Hi everyone,

Friday's question is about how to allow a user to start,stop and continue a 
multimedia demonstration.

Ther are three buttons.

The Start button on a mouseUp starts to cycle through a list of commands 
that move graphics, shows and hides fields etc.

on mouseUp
hide btn "Start"
show btn "Stop"
move grc "node" to 120,120 in 2 seconds
show fld "explanation"
wait for 3 seconds
hide fld "explanation"
end mouseUp

The Stop button on mouseUp stops the cycle of commands the Start button 
launched, hides itself and shows a Continue button.

The Continue button on mouseUp starts the cycle of commands the Start button 
initially launched but from where the cylce had been stopped.

This is my foray into multimedia and interaction with Rev so I hope the list 
will bear with me... traditionally I have worked on "static" apps.

Any suggestions or reference stacks would be appreciated.


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