Best way to send lots of email

Robert Brenstein rjb at
Wed Sep 7 15:00:13 EDT 2005

>Wednesday, September 7, 2005, 9:57:21 AM, you wrote:
>>  (macjordomo works just for for me :) and they know how to handle such
>>  things, including bounces, automatic removal, etc etc. It is
>I looked into majordomo as an option and couldn't figure out how to
>configure it as a send-only list, i.e., not have people reply (or
>worse, auto-reply) and have everyone receive the answer as well. Did I
>miss something?
>-Mark Wieder
>  mwieder at

If a list type is announcement only, then only the list owner can 
post as a rule. Emails from anyone else will bounce (unless they have 
authorization to post).


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