Dumb question about RunRev Documentation

graham samuel graham.samuel at wanadoo.fr
Sun Oct 30 06:07:07 EST 2005

I just read this under 'audioClip' in the Dictionary tab of the  
embedded documentation for RR 2.6.1:

> The audio clip object has a number of properties and messages  
> associated with it. To see a list of messages that can be sent to  
> an audio clip as a result of user actions or internal Revolution  
> events, open the "Transcript Language Dictionary" page of the main  
> Documentation window, and choose "Audio Clip Messages" from the  
> Show menu at the top.

I can't find a way to open the Transcript Language Dictionary and get  
a menu bar other than the normal RunRev development menu, which  
doesn't have a 'Show' menu. Am I supposed to open the Dictionary as a  
standalone or something? I imagine everyone else knows the answer -  
it's quite a long time since I've tried to find indirect info of this  
kind. BTW I did eventually find the info using the 'objects' button  
in the Docs window, but the route described above remains obscure to me.



Graham Samuel / The Living Fossil Co. / UK and France

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