long (?) filenames in players

Klaus Major klaus at major-k.de
Mon Oct 24 13:39:24 EDT 2005

Hi revolutionists,

> Hi friends,
> big problem :-/
> I have some MP3 files in this folder:
> /Volumes/Ablage/RRMC etc Hilfe/Bajasch/
> ...
> Any hints are very welcome!
> Or is this bad ol' bug nr. 396?
> Or am I doing something obviously stupid? ;-)

further testings showed the following:

1. I did not use the correct syntax with the workaround for loooong  
in players!

The correct syntax in a script should be (this is a option button):

on menupick was
   put "file:///Volumes/Ablage/RRMC etc Hilfe/Bajasch/" & was into fn
   replace " " with "%20" in fn
   ## THAT did the trick!!!!
   ## Had to open the song in my browser to see it ;-)

   set the filename of player "songs" to fn
end menupick

2. This works with loooooong filenames, but NOT with any UMLAUTS
in the filename (long or short) :-/

Mark, any chance to get this fixed soon?
I am living in the mother country of UMLAUTS!
Not to forget the french and their accents etc...
So this is a real showstopper!

3. OT: The Rev mailserver does funny things like sending my post 3  
times to this list ;-)

a. Already deleted the first post...
b. from mail.runrev.com (mail.runrev.com []) by  
mailin.webmailer.de (8.13.1/8.13.1) with ESMTP id j9OG8mmR026547 for  
<klaus at major-k.de>; Mon, 24 Oct 2005 18:08:49 +0200 (MEST)
c. from mail.runrev.com (mail.runrev.com []) by  
mailin.webmailer.de (8.13.1/8.13.1) with ESMTP id j9OGjOCl023196 for  
<klaus at major-k.de>; Mon, 24 Oct 2005 18:45:25 +0200 (MEST)


Klaus Major
klaus at major-k.de

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