Saving Prefs on Windows

Sivakatirswami katir at
Wed Oct 19 05:42:41 EDT 2005

I'm finding I really need to have my apps take greater control over  
installation locations, upgrades, prefs etc. otherwise support time  
goes way up for naive users... i.e. basic operations like the above  
just needs to happen automatically...

for OSX, it is clear where to save supporting  files...

/Library/Application Support/myRevApp/supportFiles..../

but I'm not familiar with Windows. In one app I am just saving some  
Prefs for my app in the user's Documents/myRevAppPrefs/  folder...  
using the special path.. some Windows users are not super happy about  
this... as it is not normal Windows behavior.

Is it ok to simply make a new folder in the Windows System folder and  
put your prefs and any lo-level support files there? These being  
files the users never needs to see or edit.


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