Function to break apart a Long Name?

Eric Chatonet eric.chatonet at
Mon Oct 17 11:50:39 EDT 2005

Hi Dave,

function ObjectsList pLongName
   replace space & "of" & space with comma in pLongName
   return pLongName
end ObjectsList

Then you get a comma delimited list of all objects:
 From 'button "Button" of group "group" of card "card" of stack  
"Untitled 1"'
you get 'button "Button",group "group",card "card",stack "Untitled 1"'

As for extracting only the names from the above list, using something  
like value(word 2 to -1 of item x of tList) will do the trick :-)

Hope this helps.

Best Regards from Paris,

Eric Chatonet.

Le 17 oct. 05 à 17:00, David Burgun a écrit :

> Hi,
> Does anyone know of a function that will extract name of the  
> Control, Group, Card and Stack from a long name string?
> e.g. I have a string of the form:
> control "A" of group "B" of card "C" of stack "D"
> And I would like to have:
> local myControlName  = A
> local myGroupName = B
> local myCardName = C
> local myStackName = D
> Any tips of how to write some code to do this would be greatly  
> appreciated if there is not a standard function available.
> I haven't used the string function in RunRev much and I'm having  
> difficulty in working out the best way to do this.
> Thanks a lot
> All the Best
> Dave

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