Rev vs. AJAX... Ajax vs TAOO [|Not so Short]

MisterX b.xavier at
Sat Oct 15 11:29:47 EDT 2005

> Or as good marketing people also say:
> "Sell the sizzle not the steak."
> What it "is" counts for little, what it "does" is everything. 
> Or as good marketing people put it:
> "Never list a feature without describing its benefits."
> What is different about TAOO? And why should I care?
> Paul Looney


if it makes your job to create stack easier and gives you more
features for the bang, isn't it worth it? And I do mean long-term!

If it auto-organizes things so you don't have to each time, it's
worth it!

If it auto-relates information so it's easier to retrieve it later, that
much smarter you go...

Like everything, there's a learning curve and a cost to use it. One you add
on top of your current projects and efforts. But what if the benefits dwarf
the cost in the medium term?

As an economist, I say TAOO is build against error making, self-management.
The rest is just more complete GUIs for your clients and a real competitive
edge... And that's worth the risk!  


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